
Calm Birth

Scared of giving birth? Why not try a calm birthing class?

Calmbirth is a childbirth education program that assists you in releasing your fears and anxieties about birth. Calm birth classes provide an understanding of how beliefs, thoughts and emotions about childbirth will influence the mother’s physiology during labour.

Calmbirth’s goal is to educate and improve the birthing outcomes for all women and their families, not just physically, but emotionally as well

The skills taught allow you to work with the birth process rather than against it.

During the classes, you’re guided through a series of relaxation and meditation exercises that teach you to tap into your inner resources, such as visualisation, the use of breath and the relaxation response (your innate ability to evoke a bodily calm). It was specifically developed by Peter Jackson, who’s been nursing for over 30 years, to incorporate knowledge about the mind-body connection.

A true understanding of the psychology of birth makes a positive birth experience possible for you and your baby.

Words by Melissa Cowan

Guest Contributor