
Calling all young Queenslanders: Here is your chance to have your voice heard.

This is your opportunity to step up, speak out and make your voice heard.

Normally, Queensland Family and Child Commission come out and visit your school and youth groups every two years to hear from you directly, but this year they haven’t been able to.

In times of difficulty, the voices of children and young people can often be the least heard. That’s why it’s important that the Commission want to hear from you about your experiences of being a young Queenslander in 2020.

They want to know about what’s important to you, what your communities are like, and what your hopes and dreams are.

Stopping the spread of coronavirus has meant that schools, social clubs and activities have been put on hold.

 There are a number of ways children and young people can get involved:

  • Complete the youth online survey for ages 13 – 18 years
  • Complete the junior online survey for ages 8 – 12 years
  • Complete a youth postcard activity for ages 13 – 18 years
  • Complete a junior postcard activity for ages 8 – 12 years
  • Submit an art activity for ages 4 – 7 years

    For details and links, please visit: Growing Up.   


Kids Helpline – 1800 551 800

Youth Beyondblue – 1300 224 636

Headspace – 1800 650 890
